

cycling scholarships

community java rides

virtual chat space

articles & downloads

annual women's cycling scholorships

protecting your lady bits - 6 tips to a more comfortable ride

women's community java rides - spring + summer

in depth articles - topics specific to women

online chat and Q&A space - coming soon

more initiatives & resources coming soon


women's cycling scholorships

The goal is to help women who may not be able to afford it otherwise, either get into the sport or progress in the sport.

Staring in 2025, In partnership with local businesses, we will be offering an annual scholarship program to help women break through cycling barriers.

We have selected the winners for 2025 - Stay tuned for the announcement in January 2025


protecting your lady bits

Have you ever experienced discomfort during or after riding, down there? If the answer is yes, I want you to know that you are the norm, not the exception. If the answer is no, well... You could possibly be a unicorn 🦄

That is why I put together my top 6 tips to a more comfortable ride, because I want you to be happy in the saddle, love your ride and spend more time on the road or the trail.

get the guide


womens java rides

Bikes, coffee and riding with other women? Yes, please!

Simple format - One lap around Stanley Park, then a coffee a different place each week. Pace is casual, depending on who shows up and no one gets left behind.

In 2023 and 2024, rides have been held at 6:45am on Fridays and will likely stay the same in 2025. Rides take place April to September. Get on our email list and/or follow on social for updates.