protecting your lady bits

Have you ever experienced discomfort during or after riding, down there? If the answer is yes, I want you to know that you are the norm, not the exception. If the answer is no, well... You could possibly be a unicorn 🦄

Most women do not talk about how their lady bits are feeling during and/or after rides and some think saddle related discomfort is normal and just something they have to live with. I am here to tell you that does not need to be the case - Cycling should not feel uncomfortable!

That is why I put together my top 6 tips to a more comfortable ride, because I want you to be happy in the saddle, love your ride and spend more time on the road or the trail.

6 tips to a more comfortable ride

6 tips to a more comfortable ride

We identified the 6 most common issues women experience on the bike as it relates to saddle comfort and addressed each one in our comprehensive guide

cycling hygiene


cycling shorts

bike fitting

lubrication, etc

grooming & menstruation


saddle choice





whats in the guide

the face BEHIND THE guide

Hey, my name is Noa.  

I am an endurance coach, exercise physiologist, biomechanist and sports nutritionist. I've been riding bikes for 30+ years. I used to race, now I just ride so I can do dumb rides at short notice.

Vancouver, BC is home, which I love for the endurance community, fantastic coffee, great food and unbeatable ocean and mountains combination. When I'm not working too much or riding my bike, I travel and take photos.

I love cycling and want to you to be happy in the saddle, love your ride and spend more time on the road or the trail

READY TO get more comfortable?

GET         cycling comfort guide for women


Most women think saddle related discomfort is normal and just something they have to live with. I'm here to tell you that doesn't need to be the case - Cycling should not feel uncomfortable!