saddle selection and analysis


How it works

We curate and purchase the best saddles on the market for you to test, from a variety of brands. We do not sell saddles or earn a commission from sales, so we make recommendations completely without bias. We love supporting our cycling community and will help you find the saddle that works for you from a local retailer.


What's your saddle issue?

We need to know what the problem is before we can solve it.

We start with a brief conversation to understand what your saddle troubles entail. This helps us narrow down some of the saddle options so we can try saddles with intent. 

Assessment on the bike

We observe how you are sitting on the bike and how you interact with the saddle while you ride. 

This helps us see if the problem is the saddle itself, the position on the bike, or a combination of both.

Test saddles

Using the Gebiomized saddle pressure technology, we will place a thin film with 64 sensors on your current saddle and measure pressure points by location and amount, as well as how much you are moving on the saddle.

We can pin point where you are sitting on the saddle fore-aft as well as side to side and identify issues and test various solutions, removing the guess work from the equation. 

We have 60+ saddles in our library and we will test several saddles that are designed to solve your particular problem until we find one that works for your needs.

Bike Modifications

Recording & Measuring 

This appointment is not a bike fit, but we might make small modifications to the positions to fit a new saddle, and/or make position and technique recommendations.

We use a digital measuring device to record the bike's set up so you can install your new saddle once it has been purchased.


saddle selection and analysis

DURATION -  45-50 minutes

EVERYONE WELCOME - Your ability level, riding experience, age, the bike you ride, etc do not matter: we provide an equal opportunity experience & strive for an open, inclusive environment.

In some cases, the saddle itself is not the problem, the overall fit is (even if you had a fit elsewhere). Given the limited scope and duration of the saddle session, we might make small modifications to the bike, but recommend a full analysis to get to the root of the problem. If that is the case, we are happy to extend a $100 credit towards a full analysis if done within 45 days of your saddle session.

schedule your appointment