In September 2021, I felt the need to change things a bit… It was time to level up, so I posted a story on instagram saying that I will no longer offer bike fitting services starting in October 2021.
Needless to say, I got quite a few worried messages afterwards! Allow me to explain this whole Bike Fitting vs Dynamic Cycling Analysis thing in more detail than social media will provide the space for…
Bike Fitting changes brought on by the pandemic
Like everyone else in the cycling industry, the pandemic stirred lots of chaos for my business and there have been constant changes, challenges and a whole lot of stress. Here is a quick recap of the bike fitting changes that my business went through in the last ~1.5 years…
- For ~3 months (mid March to late June 2020), I was not able to do bike fits at all. I shifter gears to do some industry consulting and continued coaching… I also did some bike fitting continued education, because the learning never stops
- In late June, I started working out of a temporary spot until things settled a bit
- In August, I got the GebioMized saddle pressure mapping system and started utilizing Leomo for outside motion analysis
- The schedule was a lot busier than previous years throughout that summer, partially because of the backlog from the 3 months of lockdown, but also because of all the people who picked up cycling as a result of the pandemic. I have never worked with so many beginner cyclists… It’s awesome!
- In September, I started looking for commercial space. Finding a suitable space was easier than anticipated, although not without challenges and stress. I started working out of my current space in October 2020.
- In March 2021, I finally got the Shimano (bikefitting) fit bike
- Gradually, I purchased 60+ saddles and have about 20 more on my list – I aim to have the largest collection of demo saddles in Canada by the start of 2022.
- The final new piece of equipment (for now) was purchased just a few weeks ago – The GebioMized foot pressure mapping system
- I recently hired an assistant and I am in the starting stages of training and mentoring an individual to start doing cycling analysis along side me
Scheduling considerations
The schedule has been busier than ever since March. I have been booking appointments 4-5 weeks in advance for the last 5 months and doing bike fits 6 days a week, sometimes taking appointments as early as 7am and as late as 7pm. Needless to say, this volume has been extremely challenging. For reference, my busiest year (previously) was 2019, with 552 bike fits. In 2021, I have done 490 bike fits (not including follow ups) and based on the bookings I already have for September, I will surpass 550 bike fits by mid October at the latest (2022).
The increased level of demand got me thinking and evaluating how I do things and I realized that I have not been doing ‘bike fits’ for a while now… I believe that words and how you phrase things matter. On the surface, I provide bike fitting services, but in reality, its much more than that. As a basic example, the average bike fit in most places in BC and many other locations takes 1.5-2 hours to complete. My appointments often take 2.5-3 hours… Why the difference? Its all in the analysis and the details.

Bike Fitting is becoming a confusing term
Bike fitting used to be a relatively unknown profession when I started in 2006. In fact, it wasn’t really a profession at all… I wrote about my experience as a women in the bike industry and how I started here, in case you missed it, as it is a relevant backbone to the changes I’m making now. There are a few problems with the term ‘bike fitting’:
- There is no standard for anything within the profession, especially when it comes to education and qualifications
- There is no regulatory body, minimum requirements or regulation, although IBFI (International Bike Fitting Institute) is trying to bridge the gap – Anyone can take a weekend course and do bike fits
- Bike fitting seem to mean something different to fitters, cyclists, retailers and other health care professionals, largely due to the two points above
- Level and detail of services vary significantly in professionalism and from basic to advanced
Bike Fitting vs Dynamic Cycling Analysis
Lets start by stating that not all bike fits are created equal, which is something I see weekly in my studio. Here is a rough definition of what bike fitting is. Of course, this is very generalized and there is a continuum / sliding scale that fitters will be on depending on their skill, education and experience. Bike fit is analysis and observation of the cyclist, followed by intervention to their riding position to optimize whatever the goals are (power, comfort, aerodynamics, injury prevention or some sort of combination).
Typical tools are eyes, video or static measurements and general best practices (if this, then that). In some cases, 3D will be used as well.
On the other hand, cycling analysis is driven by a methodological process that encompasses much more than fitting the bike to your body. It includes collecting all relevant information, observation, biomechanical data collection on and off the bike, evaluating how the body moves on the bike, what could be causing issues / limitations while riding and coming up with an action plan moving forward, including posture, technique and interventions from other health care and strength professionals.
Tools used are typically eyes, 2D and 360 degrees 3D motion capture, contact point pressure measurement devices, pedal force analysis and aerodynamic analysis.
While it is very important to have a very well trained eye and not rely on technology blindly, our eyes are simply not enough… They can’t tell the difference between 34 and 36 degrees, not to mention the concept of confirmation bias. The same goes for 2D analysis. Data on the other hand, is objective.
Dynamic cycling analysis data
Its also important to note that data is just that. Data. What you do with it is what’s important… That’s the analysis part. Data in → hypothesis of what’s going on → Make interventions → test again → repeat. All of this while educating the rider and explaining the process and observations along the way. Of course, there are also the basic scientific concepts of repeatability and validity, which are important to me in my work given my background as a sport scientist and because I have a lot of repeat clients coming for an annual fit check up and/or with various bikes.

From now on, I’ll be offering dynamic cycling analysis services
Lets change things up and adjust the terminology moving forward – Bike Fitting vs Dynamic Cycling Analysis. Instead of bike fit (which is a descriptor), the term dynamic cycling analysis is a much more accurate representation of what I do and it is a way of differentiating my services from those who may not invested in the same way I am, from equipment, to education, dedicated space and continuous drive to create a scientific process and cultivating relationships that help make you a better rider overall.
It is also a way to differentiate my experience level and annual fitting volume, from other fitters who may be fitting 1/4 to 1/2 of that amount (or even less) in the same time frame.
Now that we got these explanations out of the way, I think its important to break down the wording chosen a bit better. Dynamic is constant movement, continuously changing or developing. in this case, observations and data collection that are done while the cyclist is moving and it is implies that the fit itself could change or develop over time, meaning that bike fits are never one and done. Cycling is obviously the activity we are working on, so that is self explanatory. Analysis is the detailed examination of something, in this case you, your bike and how the two of you interact.
It is not the use of formulas, ranges, etc but the process of evaluating available information, asking and diving deep into the ‘why’, then coming up with an action plan and modifications to both the bike and you, often in collaboration with other health care professionals, because everyone has (or should have) their specialty.
Moving forward
All this to say that I will no longer be offering bike fitting services – Your experience as a rider will only get better with the dynamic cycling analysis services moving forward! The goal is to continuously create an educational experience and involve you in the process, so you can achieve your goals, whatever they might be.
We will open up the schedule for October onward by the weekend and update the services on this website. Some services will remain the same, others will change and there will few new services, like exclusive online educational courses.
Tools available during a dynamic cycling analysis
In case you are wondering, here are the tools and technology available for analysis:
- Retul 3D motion capture
- Video (2D)
- Gebiomized saddle pressure mapping
- Gebiomized foot pressure mapping
- Leomo sensors (for outside motion analysis)
- Shimano dynamic sizing bike with pedal force analysis and geometry database for sizing and custom builds
- 2024/2025 update – STT 3D system
Speaking of technology – I do not ‘fit by numbers’ – I fit people. The numbers are simply there as, well… Just numbers! I use tools as some would use a tape measure for example – Its just measurement tools, not a prescriptive tools. Once I have numbers, I have to decide what to do to make sure that particular individuals needs are met.
Want to work with me? Here are the various Dynamic Cycling Analysis options available!
– Photos by Jānis of Hofmark Photography, Kalum Utley & Noa
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